Great Controversy
Handwritten Manuscript Portion
for the 1884 Edition

White used the back sides of hat catalog ads printed by the Pacific
Press to write her earliest drafts for The Great Controversy. The
portion of the manuscript displayed here is for chapter 29 (pages
370-379) entitled "Spiritualism"used in the
1884 edition. The material also formed the basis for her expanded
presentation found in chapter 34 (pages 561, 562), "Can Our
Dead Speak to Us?" of the current edition of The
Great Controversy. While Ellen White rarely kept working papers
and initial drafts of her books once they were published, more than
500 manuscript pages prepared for the 1884 and 1888 editions of The
Great Controversy were preserved.
(Click on the Picture to view a larger image. It
may take some time to download)
Web site contains several papers and articles of interest regarding
the book The Great Controversy, including explanations of what
was involved in the changes authorized by Ellen White in the 1911
edition, and discussions regarding the book's authority:
on the Letter to view a larger image. It may take some time to download)
Documents Pertaining to
The Great Controversy Author's
Stated Purpose for Writing The Great Controversy
1911 Edition of The Great Controversy; An Explanation of
the Involvements of the 1911 Revision.
W. Prescott and the 1911 Edition of The Great Controversy
1911 Edition of The Great Controversy. By
Arthur L. White. From The Later Elmshaven Years, Ch. 23, pp.
and the 1911 Edition of The Great Controversy. By Arthur L. White.
From The Later Elmshaven Years, Ch. 24, pp. 322-337.
G. White’s Portrayal of the Great Controversy Story. By
Arthur L. White.
C. White Statements Regarding The Great Controversy
Statement made before the General Conference
Council, October 30, 1911
Statement to S. N. Haskell, October 31, 1912
Statement to L. E. Froom, December 13, 1934
G. White Estate Statement Regarding The Great Controversy
of Endorsement
and the Ellen G. White Writings
The Great Controversy Missing a Chapter?
Ellen White's Books Were Written
Prescott's Letter to W.C. White