Did Ellen White make acceptance of her prophetic ministry a prerequisite for joining the Seventh-day Adventist church?

Speaking of those who "had no opposition" to her prophetic gift, but who, for various reasons, were still undecided regarding her ministry, Ellen White wrote:

Such should not be deprived of the benefits and privileges of the church, if their Christian course is otherwise correct, and they have formed a good Christian character. . . .

Some, I was shown, could receive the published visions, judging of the tree by its fruits. Others are like doubting Thomas; they cannot believe the published Testimonies, nor receive evidence through the testimony of others, but must see and have the evidence for themselves. Such must not be set aside, but long patience and brotherly love should be exercised toward them until they find their position and become established for or against. If they fight against the visions, of which they have no knowledge; if they carry their opposition so far as to oppose that in which they have had no experience, and feel annoyed when those who believe that the visions are of God speak of them in meeting and comfort themselves with the instruction given through vision, the church may know that they are not right (Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 328).