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Many of Ellen White's articles and letters were first written in large blank diary/journals. This is an image of a page from one of those journals. Paying little attention to the pre-printed datelines, she filled as many pages as necessary to complete her message. Once written, Ellen White passed the journal to her literary assistants to be transcribed and edited. The typed copy was then returned to Ellen White, providing another opportunity for her to review, correct, or add more material. As one might expect, Ellen White's penmanship varied considerably, depending upon her age, health, location of writing, and the speed with which she wrote out her thoughts.

This page was transcribed (copied) by Ellen White's secretaries in 1906, as indicated by the notation in red at the top of the page. Ellen White was 78 years old. The second paragraph, dealing with the personality of the Holy Spirit, is printed in the book Evangelism, pp. 616, 617. The entire manuscript appears in Manuscript Releases, vol. 20, pp. 64-69. Here is a transcription of that second paragraph as edited by Ellen White's secretaries and approved by her:

The Holy Spirit always leads to the written word. The Holy Spirit is a person; for he beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God. When this witness is borne, it carries with it its own evidence. At such times we believe and are sure that we are the children of God. What strong evidence of the power of truth we can give to believers and unbelievers when we can voice the words of John, "We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him."

The Holy Spirit has a personality, else he could not bear witness to our spirits and with our spirits that we are the children of God. He must also be a divine person, else he could not search out the secrets which lie hidden in the mind of God. "For what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man, which is in him; even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God."