The Bible a Perfect Guide

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11.

If we would not be misled by error and falsehood, the heart must be preoccupied with the truth. The Word of God will furnish the mind with weapons of divine power, to vanquish the enemy. Happy is the man, who, when tempted, finds his soul rich in the knowledge of the Scriptures, who finds shelter beneath the promises of God. “Thy word,” said the psalmist, “have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” 6The Signs of the Times, June 1, 1882 (The Review and Herald, June 15, 1886).

This Word is ever to be in our hearts and on our lips. “It is written” is to be our anchor. Those who make God's Word their counselor realize the weakness of the human heart and the power of the grace of God to subdue every unsanctified, unholy impulse. Their hearts are ever prayerful, and they have the guardianship of holy angels. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God lifts up for them a standard against him. There is harmony in the heart, for the precious, powerful influences of truth bear sway.7Testimonies for the Church 6:160.

The Word of God is a channel of communication with the living God. He who feeds upon the Word will become fruitful in all good works. He ... will be the discoverer of rich mines of truth which he must work to find the hidden treasure. When [he is] surrounded with temptations, the Holy Spirit will bring to his mind the very words with which to meet the temptation at the very moment when they are most needed, and he can use them effectually.8The Signs of the Times, September 5, 1895.

We must be better acquainted with our Bibles. We might close the door to many temptations, if we would commit to memory passages of Scripture. Let us hedge up the way to Satan's temptations with “It is written.” We shall meet with conflicts to test our faith and courage, but they will make us strong if we conquer through the grace Jesus is willing to give. But we must believe; we must grasp the promises without a doubt.9The Review and Herald, May 13, 1884.

From The Faith I Live By - Page 8

The Faith I Live By