Straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Matthew 14:27.
Christians should be the most cheerful and happy people that live. They may have the consciousness that God is their father and their everlasting friend.... All who have indeed become acquainted, by experimental knowledge, with the love and tender compassion of our Heavenly Father will impart light and joy wherever they may be. Their presence and influence will be to their associates as the fragrance of sweet flowers, because they are linked to God and heaven, and the purity and exalted loveliness of heaven are communicated through them to all that are brought within their influence.—Messages to Young People, 363.
Our Saviour was deeply serious and intensely in earnest, but never gloomy or morose. The life of those who imitate Him will be full of earnest purpose: they will have a deep sense of personal responsibility. Levity will be repressed; there will be no boisterous merriment, no rude jesting: but the religion of Jesus gives peace like a river. It does not quench the light of joy; it does not restrain cheerfulness, nor cloud the sunny, smiling face.—Steps to Christ, 120.
From Radiant Religion - Page 151
Radiant Religion
Thought for the Day
Health, truth, and happiness can never be advanced without an intelligent knowledge of, and full obedience to, the law of God. - Con 76