We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. 1 John 5:18.
Many fail to recognize the claims that God has upon them. They profess to be sons and daughters of God, but they do not behave as children of God. They argue that their evil habits and customs which they followed when they served under the black banner of the prince of darkness must be excused on the ground of their weakness, while they claim that “it is their way.” ... Their objectionable hereditary traits of character they choose to retain as idols.
When a soul is truly converted, old habits and natural evil besetments are done away in Christ Jesus and all things become new. Among those who profess to be servants of Christ an earnest purpose should be cultivated, such as Daniel manifested in the courts of Babylon. He knew that God was his strength and his shield, his front guard and his rear guard. Amid the corruptions that surrounded him in the courts of Babylon he kept himself free from those sights and sounds which would allure him and draw him into temptation. When his duties required that he be present at scenes of revelry, intemperance, and basest idolatry, he cultivated the habit of silent prayer, and thus he was kept by the power of God. To have the mind uplifted to God will be a benefit in all times and in all places....
Let the soul cultivate the habit of contemplating the world's Redeemer.... Help has been laid upon One that is mighty. Jesus has given His life, that every soul might have abundant help in Him....
Will you who read these words resolve that you will never again seek to excuse your defects of character by saying, “It is my way”? Let no one declare, “I cannot change my natural habits and tendencies.” The truth must be admitted into the soul, and it will work the sanctification of the character. It will refine and elevate the life, and fit you for an entrance into the mansions which Jesus has gone to prepare for those who love Him.44The Youth's Instructor, June 7, 1894.
From That I May Know Him - Page 247
That I May Know Him
Thought for the Day
However able and talented, however large our capacities, we are replenished with life from the Source of all life. - YI January 3, 1905