Study Guide:

Selected Messages, Book 3

Study Guide Index


Selected Messages, Book 3, follows by 22 years the publication of Selected Messages, Books 1 and 2. These three volumes of general testimony counsels are the first such volumes to be published since Volume 9 of Testimonies for the Church in 1909.

Selected Messages, Book 3, represents a wide variety of counsel on many subjects that will be recognized as useful to meet some current needs in the church. As you study this book, you will surely become aware repeatedly of the practical value of its content for today's church.

Because the sections in Selected Messages, Book 3, vary considerably in length, the lessons in this study guide have been divided into portions of fairly even length without regard for sections. Some subjects will no doubt offer more discussion possibilities than others. Classes or groups who study may want to regulate their pace of study to accommodate these differences.

This book offers a rich source of study and discussion on a great variety of topics. May your study be informative as well as inspirational.

The Ellen G. White Estate

Silver Spring, MD.

LESSON 1, Pages 14-47

Chapter 1

What is the Church?

1. The only object on earth on which Christ bestows His supreme regard is the ___________________. (14)

2. Give two important reasons for having a church. (15)


3. How should mature church members relate to the inexperienced? (16)


4. Why should one man's mind and judgment not control the church? (16, 17)


5. Our weapons of warfare should be turned against the ___________________, not against ___________________. (18)

6. When a person begins to pronounce judgment against the church, what may we know? (18)


7. As church members how are we to work for erring members? (19)


Chapter 2

Unity in the Church

8. Thought question: What are the "soldierly qualities" we should manifest? (20)


9. Thought question: "The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul." Acts 4:32. What does this mean? (20)


10. Read John 17 as suggested. Be prepared to discuss. (21)


11. When only are the decisions of the church on earth ratified in heaven? Matthew 18:18. (22)


Chapter 3

Independent Action

12. What will surely happen to those who despise counsel and reproof? (23)


13. How only is an army successful? (24)


14. What are the values of counsel with others? (24)


15. Only what efforts will be accepted by God? (25)


16. What was the result of James White's counseling with others? (25)


17. Why is thorough church organization essential? (26)


18. What are some dangers of every man acting independently? (26)


Chapter 4

The Primacy of the Word

19. Why has God given visions in the last days? (29)


20. Why did Ellen White urge that we should not make her prominent in our public labor? (29, 30)


21. "___________________ is the author of the Scriptures and of the Spirit of Prophecy." (30)

22. How does Ellen White use the terms "lesser light" and "greater light"? (30)


23. How should the Testimonies be used in connection with the Word of God? (31)


24. After the 1844 disappointment, how was truth established? (31, 32)


25. Ellen White wrote to "correct ___________________ and to specify what is ___________________." (32)

26. Under what circumstances did Ellen White ask the church not to quote her words? (33)


Chapter 5

Experiences in Receiving the Visions

27. What three major subjects were presented to Ellen Harmon (White) in her first vision? (34)



28. The lights she saw in the vision represented ___________________. (34)

29. Describe the physical effects of the vision on Ellen White. (35)


30. Thought question: Why do you believe she could not have a vision when she pleased? (36)


31. Did Ellen White welcome visions? Explain your answer. (36, 37)


32. What happened when she doubted her visions? (37)


33. What was the purpose of the physical phenomena that accompanied visions? (39)


Chapter 6

Glimpses of How the Light Came to Ellen White


34. Review the several ways visions came to Ellen White. (40-47)


35. What lesson do we learn from the person who had a vessel of beautiful fruit? (44, 45)


36. Was Ellen White given all her abilities to speak and write from the beginning? (46)

LESSON 2, Pages 48-86

Chapter 7

Presenting the Divinely Revealed Message

1. Why did Ellen White delay giving some of her messages? (48)


2. She depended on the Spirit of the Lord, not only in having a vision, but in ___________________ ___________________ the vision. (48)

3. Under what circumstances did she use marks of quotation? (49)


4. Briefly give her understanding of her writings: (50, 51)

A. The Testimonies:

B. The Conflict of the Ages Books:

C. The Articles:

D. The Letters:

E. The Interviews:


5. Did the Spirit ever give Ellen White the exact words? (51, 52)


6. She said: "There is one straight chain of ___________________, without one ___________________ sentence in that which I have written." (52)

7. Did God give her a vision for every case or person? Explain. (53, 54)


8. How did she feel about giving reproofs? (54)

9. Was everything always clear to Ellen White when she had a vision? (54, 55) Is there a Bible precedent?

10. How did both Ellen White and the apostle Paul sometimes become informed about church problems? (55)

11. What did Paul and Ellen White do under these circumstances? (55, 56)

12. Why was the giving of counsel sometimes delayed? (56, 57)

13. How did God bring Ellen White to a better understanding of what was at first not understood? (56)

14. In what area of writing did Ellen White not claim inspiration? (57-60)

15. When she had no special light from God, what did she do? (60)

16. What expressions did Ellen White leave out of books prepared for the reading of the general public? Why? (61)

Chapter 8

The Question of Influence

17. What did Ellen White consider the most convincing evidence that her work was from the Lord? (62)


18. Why did she on one occasion not read letters sent to her? (63)


19. Review charges regarding influence over her writing and how she answered these charges. (62-67)


20. Why didn't Ellen White always make her corrections of others public? (66)


Chapter 9

Defining Sister White's Judgment and the Word of the Lord

21. How did some try to divide her counsels between messages from God and her own opinion? (68)


22. When we try to divide the messages, who helps us to choose? (70)


Chapter 10

On Being an Inspired Messenger

23. What evidences did Ellen White offer that God was guiding her work? (72)


24. How did opposition affect her giving of messages? (73)


25. List at least two reasons Ellen White gives for not claiming the title "Prophetess." (74)


26. When she was contradicted in regard to her messages, what did the Lord instruct her to do? (75)


27. Explain why Ellen White's sermons did her good. (76)


28. For how long did Ellen White see that her writing would be of help to the church? (76)


29. How was Ellen White's work to be of even more value after her death? (77)


Chapter 11

The Reception of the Messages

30. When Ellen White's messages were accepted, what was the usual result? (79)


31. How did some who received messages try to divide them? (80, 81)


32. Why were the lessons of Christ often misunderstood? (82)


33. How do some study the Scriptures and Ellen White's writings wrongly? (82)


34. What will belief in Ellen White's ministry do for us today and in the future? (84)


35. Those Adventists who take their stand under Satan's banner will first give up faith in ______________________________________. (84)

36. Review two examples of how accepting testimonies was a blessing. (84-86)


LESSON 3, Pages 87-124

Chapter 12

Literary Assistants in Work of Ellen G. White

1. Who acted as Ellen White's first human helper and counselor? (89)


2. What two things were her helpers not permitted to do? (89)


3. How did Ellen White characterize herself as a writer? (90)


4. As she imparted light to others, what happened to her? What may we personally learn from this? (90)


5. Ellen White called Marian Davis her ___________________. (91)

6. Describe how Marian Davis worked. (91-93)



Chapter 13

The Testimonies for the Church

7. The first Testimony was published in the year ___________________. (94)

8. What reason did Ellen White give for publishing personal testimonies? (95)


9. How are we to relate to messages given to others? (95)


10. What did God show her about using her talents in writing and speaking? (96, 97)


11. What liberties did Ellen White take in selecting what would be put in print? Why? (98)


Chapter 14

Initial Steps in Writing and Publishing the Great Controversy Story

12. The first writing of the Great Controversy story came after a vision given in the year ___________________. (99)

13. How did Satan try to stop her from writing out the contents of this vision? (99, 100)


Chapter 15

A Running Account of Ellen G. White's Experience in Writing on the Life of Christ

14. Who was Mary Clough? (103)


15. What help did Ellen White ask from J. H. Waggoner on her writing on the life of Christ? (104)


16. How did she describe her writing on the life of Christ? (106)


Chapter 16

Expanding the Great Controversy Presentation

17. What title did Ellen White give Satan? (110)


18. What purpose for writing did Ellen White put in her introduction to The Great Controversy? (111, 112)


19. What unusual pronouncement about the second coming of Christ did Ellen White hear in vision? (112)


20. Why did she not write about this pronouncement later? (112)


21. Which was she shown as most important--her speaking or writing? Why? (114)


Chapter 17

The Experience of E. G. White in Preparing The Desire of Ages

22. What caused Ellen White special concern as she wrote on the life of Christ? (115)


23. What other responsibilities sometimes interfered with her writing? (117, 119)


24. What was Ellen White's "whole theme," both in the pulpit and by pen? (118)


25. How should we relate to critics and criticism? (120)


Chapter 18

Comments While at Work on the Conflict Series Books

26. How did Ellen White use histories of the Bible in her writing? (122)


27. When changes in wording were suggested for the 1911 edition of The Great Controversy, what was Ellen White's first concern? (123, 124)


LESSON 4, Pages 433-465

Note: This lesson can be studied in connection with the preceding lesson, or separately as time allows.


Appendix A

The Great Controversy--1911 Edition

1. Briefly list the most obvious changes in the 1911 edition of The Great Controversy. (433-437)


2. Why were new quotations from historians sometimes used? (435)


3. In some places forms of expression were changed. Why? (435, 436)


4. What could be given as the major reason for using certain histories? (436)


5. How did Ellen White's two years in Europe help her in preparing this edition of The Great Controversy? (438)


6. Why were some things left out of earlier editions of The Great Controversy? (439)


7. How does W. C. White answer the question: "Has Sister White the authority and right to make changes in her published writings?" (441)


8. Review how Ellen White expanded several areas in the controversy story. (443)


9. What was Ellen White's greatest concern as she made the controversy story available to the world outside the Seventh-day Adventist Church? (443, 444)


Appendix B

10. Why did W. C. White suggest that Adventist ministers should not quote from Daniel and Revelation and The Great Controversy in preaching to those who are not Adventists? (446)


11. Why did Ellen White not want readers to treat her historical writing as authority in regard to details and dates? Discuss. (446)


12. Why did Ellen White sometimes copy the words of historical authorities? (447)


13. What was W. C. White's conviction about Ellen White's choice of histories to quote? (449, 450)

Appendix C

14. Why were some parts left out of The Great Controversy, Volume IV? List them from pages 436, 437, 439, and 447.


LESSON 5, Pages 125-155

Chapter 19

The Incarnation

1. Describe the physical appearance of Christ while He was living on earth. (127)


2. At what point was Christ required to begin the work of redemption? (128)


3. How did Christ meet and resist the enemy--Satan? (128)


4. Why did Christ feel so keenly the assaults of Satan? (129)


5. List some human problems Jesus had to contend with. (130)


6. The temptations of Christ were in proportion to what? (131)


7. How is temptation to be resisted? (132)


8. "He [Christ] never bore ___________________ in his own flesh, but He carried the ___________________ of others." (133)

9. What was accomplished when Christ took our humanity? (134)


10. Christ came into our world not only to atone for sin, but to be a ___________________. (135)

11. Compare Christ's temptation with ours. (136)


12. List several things the Holy Spirit does to help us to be victorious. (137, 138)


13. "The world's Redeemer came not only to be a ___________________ for sin, but to be an ___________________ to man in all things." (138)

14. "The Lord Jesus came to our world, not to reveal what a ___________________ could do, but what a ___________________ could do, through faith in God's power to help in every emergency." (140)

15. In the sanctuary service Christ is the ___________________ and the ___________________. (141)


Chapter 20

Principles as Set Forth by Ellen White in Her Early Ministry

16. Preview the three chapters in this section from the introduction.


17. What is Ellen White talking about when she says, "Some try too hard to believe"? (145)


18. When Brother P made religious experience too much of a form, what was the result? (146)


19. Sanctification is not ___________________. (146)

20. What did Enoch and Elijah have in common? (146, 147)


21. Discuss this statement: "All your good works cannot save you; but it is nevertheless impossible for you to be saved without good works." (147)


22. Why is it wrong to say that we have nothing to do but believe? (147)


23. "It is a sin to ___________________." (149)

24. Why is it wrong to feel we must be on probation and prove we are reformed before we can be blessed? (150)


25. What is true religion? (150)


26. How is obedience to God's commandments important to our present life? (151)


27. Why do some never find peace and rest as Christians? (151, 152)


28. How did Ellen White explain the purpose of the law to a non-Seventh-day Adventist minister? (152, 153)


29. What is wrong with the cry, "Only believe"? (153)


30. When the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the world, who will be the first to be left? (154)


31. What is "goody-goody religion"? (155)


32. What will be the attitude among the saved when it is seen that some have brighter crowns? (155)


LESSON 6, Pages 156-204

Chapter 21

Ellen G. White Reports on the Minneapolis Conference

1. In the ministerial institute before the 1888 General Conference, two subjects were especially controversial. What were they?

A. (157)

B. (158)

2. There was a growing resistance and nonacceptance of ___________________. (158)

3. Why did some resist the presentations on righteousness by faith? (159)


4. After the 1888 General Conference, how was righteousness by faith accepted among church members? (160, 161)


What happened at the heart of the work? (161)


5. Was there ever an official rejection by church leaders? (162)


6. What symbol does Ellen White give for the Bible? (163)


7. The flowers in the garden represent ___________________. (163)

8. What did Ellen White see as Satan's strategy at this time? (167)


9. At the 1888 meeting, the presentations connected the righteousness of Christ with the ___________________. (168)

10. What happens when the righteousness of Christ is placed in the law? (170, 171)


11. To what did Ellen White attribute spiritless discourses or sermons? (171)


12. What is the third angel's message? (172)


13. What is the faith of Jesus? (172)


14. What subject did Ellen White say had been exaggerated in importance at the 1888 meeting? (174, 175)


15. How does "holding up Christ" relate to the law? (176)


16. What is Ellen White's answer to the excuse: "I cannot live up to this or that"? (179, 180)


17. What happens when we do our best? (180)


18. What is Ellen White's answer to those who feel they have a great work to do before they can come to Christ? (181)


19. What are the two parts of the third angel's message to be given to the world? (184)



20. What are the "inspiring themes of the gospel"? (186)


21. What should ministers study to avoid apostasies? (187)


22. How is Christ's preaching described? (188)


23. What is the effect of a legal religion on the ministry? (189)


Chapter 22

Emphasis on Salvation Theme--1890-1908

24. Why are penances, fasts, and festivals unaccompanied by true devotion of no value? (190)


25. Why would heaven be no joy to those with old tastes and ideas? (191)


26. "Those who would be saints in heaven must first be ___________________ upon the ___________________." (191)

27. Why is it necessary to be more than intellectually convinced of the truth? (191, 192)


28. "___________________ is the work of a lifetime." (193)

29. When is a sinner justified? (193)


30. At what time did the mediatorial work of Christ begin? (194)


31. Describe how the sinner and Jesus cooperate in salvation. (195, 196)


32. Knowing our utter reliance on Christ for salvation, what are we to do? (198)


33. What will truth produce in the life of the believer? (199)


34. What does Ellen White mean when she says, "Good works shall be rewarded"? (200)


35. Christ has given a definition of true sanctification in ___________________. (202)

36. How will those who are truly sanctified relate to opening truth? (203)


37. What is sanctification not? What is true sanctification? (203, 204)


LESSON 7, Pages 205-234

Chapter 23

Appeal for a Church School

1. Every Christian family is a ___________________. The father is the ___________________. (209)

2. Who is the first teacher of the children? (210)


3. How should parents work along with the school in the education of their children? (211)


4. What should be a first consideration as parenthood is assumed? (214)


5. Under what circumstances might children be kept out of school until age 8, 9, or 10? (215)


6. When Ellen White first gave counsel to parents to keep their children out of school till age 10, what were the circumstances? (216, 217)


7. Did Ellen White favor kindergarten for age 5? Explain. (218, 219)


8. Did Ellen White forbid sending children to school before age 10? Explain. (222, 223)


Chapter 25 General Guiding Principles

9. Thought question: Why has the Lord not designed any one, special, exact plan in education? (227, 228)


10. How is true education defined? (228)


11. What practice in the schools in Switzerland did Ellen White recommend? (228)


12. Why should teachers join with their students in their amusements? (228)


Chapter 26

Attending Colleges and Universities of the Land


13. For what purpose should we associate with the unconverted? (231)


14. What are the dangers of studying infidel authors? (232)


15. What are the dangers of listening to teachers who are called great men by the world? (232)


16. How did the Waldenses set an example for students? (233)


17. On what basis did Ellen White encourage students to attend non-Adventist colleges? (233, 234)


18. What cautions are given to such students? (234)


LESSON 8, Pages 235-270

Chapter 27

The Grace of Courtesy

1. "It is ___________________ to be in union with Christ and yet be ________." (237)


2. In what four ways is Christ pictured as our example? (237)


3. When Jesus recognized the dignity of human beings around Him, how did they respond? (238)


4. What is the most powerful argument in favor of the gospel? (238)


5. What actions contribute to life's happiness? (240)


Chapter 28

Dress and Adornment

6. From this chapter compile two lists. (1) Positive qualities of dress suggested. (2) Negative qualities of dress. Be prepared to discuss and compare these two lists.


7. "We judge of a person's ________ by the style of ________ worn." (242)


8. Discuss dressing to make ourselves a "gazingstock." (242, 243)


9. Ellen White says that outward adorning reveals an absence of inward adorning. (244) Discuss.


10. What do you believe is meant by "fantastic dress"? (244)


11. Give some reasons for being careful in not following every fashion introduced. (244)


12. What counsel is given for the dress of ministers regarding color? (249, 250)


13. How is the ministers' clothing related to their representation of God before the people? (250, 251)


14. Did Ellen White give a precise style for all to wear? (254) Explain and discuss.


15. Will our inward attitudes alter us outwardly? (254, 255) Discuss.


Chapter 29

The Sabbath: Guiding Principles in Sabbath Observance

16. What did Sabbath observance of Israelites witness to in Old Testament times? (256)


17. How does our Sabbath observance as Christians witness today? (256)


18. List some activities not proper for the Sabbath. (258)



19. What principle is suggested regarding washing dishes on the Sabbath? (258)


20. List some activities that are proper for the Sabbath. (259)



21. What were some Sabbath activities of the White family? (261-265)


22. What principle is suggested regarding Sabbath travel? (265)


Chapter 30

Varying Postures in Prayer

23. List, review, and discuss the various postures that Ellen White observed regarding prayer. (266-270)


24. What ideal regarding posture in prayer is offered? (270)


LESSON 9, Pages 271-296

Chapter 31

Visions That Early Called for Reforms

1. Ellen White's first vision condemning tobacco came in the year ___________________. (273)

2. What health counsels were given in an 1854 vision? (273-275)


3. What was "grease"? (274)


Chapter 32

The 1863 Health Reform Vision

4. Why did Ellen White publish extracts from other health reformers along with her own counsels in How to Live? (277)


5. Briefly describe the three companies of women and their dress as seen in vision by Ellen White. (278)


6. When only did Ellen White use marks of quotation in her early writing? (278)


7. How did she determine length of dress when first advocating the reform dress? (279)


8. "The more perfect our ___________________, the more perfect will be our ___________________." (279)

9. What prayers are not safe nor pleasing to God? (280)


10. Which "intemperate" practices are we to speak against? (280)


11. "God's great medicine" is ___________________. (280)

12. What was Ellen White's first reaction to her health vision? (281)


13. Where did she first write out the content of this vision? (281)


Chapter 33

Proper Use of the Testimonies on Health Reform

14. What is "the highest privilege that man can enjoy"? (283)


15. How will indulgence in intemperate appetite affect us? (284)


16. List from this chapter several suggestions as to: (283-288)

A. How to use the testimonies on health reform.

Example: Present from a Bible standpoint.

B. How not to use the testimonies on health reform.

Example: Passing judgment on all who do not see as we do.


17. Discuss the discarding of some things and not making a test of others. (287)


Chapter 34

Spiritual and Physical Hazards of Indulged Appetite

18. Why was man permitted to eat flesh food after the Flood? (289)


19. How will a meat diet affect nervous children? (290)


20. What connection do physical habits and practices have with spirituality? (290)


21. Ellen White calls "willing ignorance of the laws of health" ___________________. (290)

22. What is "the greatest hindrance to mental improvement and soul sanctification"? (291)


23. What is the common cause of selfishness, violence, and crime in Noah's day and ours? (292)


24. Why is it especially important for us to be as free from disease as possible? (292)


Chapter 35

Teaching Health Reform in the Family

25. What suggestion of consistency does Ellen White suggest for parents? (293, 294)


26. Why should children have three meals a day rather than two? (294)


27. Explain why one rule in diet cannot be made for all. (294)


Chapter 36

Sister White and Prayer for the Sick

28. How did Ellen White explain her role of praying for the sick? (295, 296)


29. Who only can heal the sick? (296)


LESSON 10, Pages 297-335

Chapter 37

Seventh-day Adventists and Lawsuits

1. Give three reasons suggested why we should not go to lawyers not of our faith with church difficulties. (299-301)


2. When Ellen White was threatened by a lawsuit because of testimonies she had given, what was her response? (301)


3. What example did Jesus give when wrongly accused? (302)


4. How does Ellen White characterize church members who appeal to courts of the world to settle their differences? (302, 303)


5. Read and discuss the reference in 1 Corinthians 6:1-9. (303, 304)


6. What were the dangers of instituting a lawsuit against a publishing house? (304, 305)


Chapter 38

Science and Revelation

7. When discoveries in science and art are only studied from a human standpoint, or explained by natural laws, what are the dangers? (307)


8. "The Bible is not to be ___________________ by ___________________ idea of science, but is to be brought to the test of this unerring standard." (307)

9. When we only think of God's benevolent character, what is the danger? (308)


10. How may we see God's presence in everything? (309, 310)


11. In what way only may we fully appreciate science? (311)


12. When God created the world, He was not beholden to ___________________ substance or matter. (312)

Chapter 39

Questions About the Saved

13. What Old Testament experience illustrates that the faith of believing parents is effective in saving their children? (314)


14. What New Testament experience also demonstrates that parents stand in the place of God to their children? (314)


15. What did Ellen White say about the idea that God has an exact number of the elect of God? (315)


16. Will the resurrected recognize one another? (316)


Chapter 40

The Question of the Date Line

17. How are we to observe the Sabbath on a round world? (317-319)


Chapter 41

Memorials, Are They Proper?

18. Review some Old Testament memorials that were set up. (320, 321)


19. What purposes are to be accomplished through memorials? (321)


20. In what other way was Moses instructed to remember the past? (321)


Chapter 42

Renting Our Churches to Other Denominations

21. What rules might be considered for renting our church to another denomination? (322, 323)


Chapter 43

Feelings of Despondency

22. Are gloomy feelings evidence that God's promises are not in effect? (324) Discuss.


23. What suggestions did Ellen White offer to a despondent sister? (324-326)


Chapter 44

Specific Light on Gardening

24. Review Ellen White's method of fruit tree planting. (328)


25. What is the counsel regarding insects? (329)


Chapter 45

Balanced Counsel on Picture-making and Idolatry

26. How is an idol defined? (330)


27. Review the questions Ellen White asks about those who have burned their pictures. What do you think she means? (331)


Chapter 46

Music and the Music Director

28. What is the power of singing to God's glory? (332)


29. "___________________ is just as much the worship of God in a ___________________ meeting as ___________________." (333)

30. What was wrong with Brother U's singing? (333-335)


LESSON 11, Pages 336-378

Chapter 47

Work in the Spirit of Prayer

1. What dangers did Ellen White see in spending several days praying for the Holy Spirit? (336)


2. She said the ___________________ carried on at the meeting was as much a part of the service of God as ___________________. (336)

3. What was Ellen White's counsel regarding resolutions? (337)


Chapter 48

The Bible Prophets Wrote for Our Time

4. "Each of the ancient ___________________ spoke ___________________ for their own time than for ours." (338)


5. What do each of the following teach us?

A. Enoch

B. Abel

C. Moses

D. David

E. The prophets

6. "God has ___________________ the world in these last days proportionately with the increase of ___________________." (339)

Chapter 49

Can All Have the Gift of Prophecy?

7. How did Ellen White respond to the claim that all may have the gift of prophecy? (340, 341)


Chapter 50

Disparaging the Pioneers

8. Why is it not right to present the faults of those who lived in the past? (342, 343)


9. What becomes necessary when the faults of the pioneers are recalled? (343)


10. Who only has the right to tell the errors of the past? Why is this? (344)


11. Where are we to direct the weapons of warfare? (344)


12. What is criticism of the brethren really? (345)


13. Review other reasons why we should not talk of the mistakes or errors of our brethren. (345-347)


Chapter 51

Attacks on Ellen White and Her Work

14. Why should attacks on Ellen White be answered? (348, 349)


15. For what reasons is Ellen White made the special object of attack? (350, 351)


16. What methods of attack might we expect? (351, 352)


17. Thought question: What is the best answer to such attacks?


Chapter 52

Sinlessness and Salvation

18. Why do many claim to be holy and sinless? (354)


19. When only will it be safe to claim we are saved and sinless? (356)


20. What is the result of making self the center of our attention? (357)


Chapter 53

Study the Testimonies

21. Ellen White calls the content of the books she has written "___________________________________ that God has given." (358)

22. Ellen White's emphasis in this chapter is that we should ______________________________ the Testimonies. (358-360)


Chapter 54

The Mackin Case

23. Give three characteristics of the Mackin experience that might raise suspicion of fanaticism. (363-368)


24. Review some of the early experiences of fanaticism among Adventists. (370, 371)


25. According to Ellen White, how does the Holy Spirit work? (371)


26. What was wrong with Mr. Mackin's suggestion that his wife have a vision in Ellen White's presence so she could test it? (372)


27. What three characteristics does Ellen White say should be revealed in our spiritual exercises? (373)


28. List some characteristics of a false spiritual exercise. (373)


29. What was wrong with the casting out of devils by the Mackins? (376)


30. Ellen White told the Mackins that if they had a special message, they would work in ___________________, not as if they were on the stage of a ___________________. (377)

LESSON 12, Pages 379-431

Chapter 55

Lessons From Meeting the Sunday Law Crisis

1. What is the lesson of Deuteronomy 33:25? (383)


2. "Our present ___________________ must not be disturbed by anticipated ___________________." (383)

3. Why should we not give unnecessary provocation to those who oppose us? (384)


4. The contest over the Sabbath is really between two types of Christianity. What are they? (385, 386)


5. Are there true and even better Christians among those of other faiths than are sometimes found among Adventists? Explain. (386, 387)


6. Is the persecution ahead more or less than in the past? Why do you think this is so? (387)


7. How will the latter rain affect the Sabbath? (388)


8. How can the beginnings of God's wrath already be seen? (391)


9. Why will the Sabbath be the great point at issue in the last days? (392, 393)


10. Why did Ellen White urge that resolutions regarding Sunday should not be passed by Adventists? (394)


11. What are we to do to avoid unnecessary confrontation with others over Sunday or Sabbath worship? (395)


12. "The mark of the beast is to be presented in some shape to every ___________________ and every ___________________." (396)

13. Why should we not prepare for emergencies of the future? (398)


14. How should we relate to neighbors regarding work on Sunday? (399)


15. Why will there be no deaths of God's people after the close of probation? (399)


16. How many of us can expect to be tested and tried? (401)


Chapter 56

As We Near the End

17. When some appear before rulers, what surprise will come? (404)


18. Christ cleansed the temple twice. What two distinct calls are to be made to the churches? (405, 406)


19. "As we near the close of this earth's history, we more ___________________ and more ___________________ in Christian growth, or we ___________________ just as decidedly." (407)

20. When will backsliding Adventists unite with unbelievers? (407, 408)


21. What is the science of the devil? (408)


22. What is one of the greatest evidences that the loud cry is soon to be heard? (410)


23. What form do evil angels sometimes take? What will they do? (410, 411)


24. What is the warning of Ephesians 6? (411)


Chapter 57

The Last Great Struggle

25. Days of ___________________ and ___________________ should be set aside as we near the end of time. (414)

26. What two powers will unite against God's saints? (416, 417)


27. When society breaks down, what unnatural enmity will result? (418)


28. How only can we escape the judgments coming upon the earth? (419)


29. How will many children be spared the time of trouble? (419)


30. Consider the several questions everyone should ask. (419)


31. At what time are human beings most dearly loved by their Saviour? (420)


32. What will happen to those who have not appreciated or improved on great light? (421, 422)


33. The ___________________ is the great test question. (423)

34. "All who follow the ___________________ in heaven will first have followed Him on ___________________." (424)

35. In preparing a people to stand in the last days, the ___________________ is to combine with ___________________. (425)

36. What evidence is offered that the Battle of Armageddon is to be spiritual? (426)


37. In the time of trouble, how will the wicked treat the righteous? (427, 428)


38. What is "the joy of thy lord"? (431)


39. How will the redeemed relate to the troubles they have experienced? (431)

Study Guide Index