James White and Mrs. Ellen White were getting ready for a long trip. They were going to another city to preach. This time they were going to take the train. They packed their suitcases. They packed a large trunk. In
James White reported that, in this vision, Mrs. White was "guided to the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and I think one more. After she came out of vision, she could give a clear description of their moons, etc. It is well
James Edson White produced. He was the second son of James and Ellen G. White. Closing Hymn: Face to Face (SDAH 206, CH 545) Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950) was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a public evangelist.
Ellen White book to be issued after James White’s death, and that “the management of her business affairs was new to me.” 5 the printing of “Brief Statements Regarding the Writings of Ellen G. White,” prepared by W. C. White
James White in Life incidents, in Connection With the Great Advent Movement, as Illustrated by the Three Angels of Revelation XVI (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868), p. 273, says that “when she had her first vision she
G. White Signs of the Times articles; the Ellen G. White Youth's Instructor articles; the Periodical Resource Collection volumes; the six-volume biography of Ellen G. White, by A. L. White; and The Published Writings of Ellen G. White on Compact
James White, on Monroe Street, Rochester, N.Y., June 26, 1854: "I was then seventeen years old. It seems to me I can almost hear those thrilling shouts of 'G-l-o-r-y!' which she uttered. Then she sank back to the floor, not
James White spoke to this difficulty when two groups, in different places, would read his wife's admonitions: "She works to this disadvantage . . . she makes strong appeals to the people, which a few feel deeply, and take strong
James White stated: But let us look at Joel 2:32, and see where he locates the prophecy. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion
James White and wife also embraced it. They, with Brother Bates, were for a short time alone in publicly teaching it, but from this point the growth of the cause was quite rapid. As these truths were being spread abroad,