Example: ellen white, prophecy
  • SOP 2016


    James White and Mrs. Ellen White were getting ready for a long trip. They were going to another city to preach. This time they were going to take the train. They packed their suitcases. They packed a large trunk. In

  • Comments Regarding Unusual Statements Found In Ellen G. White's Writings


    James White reported that, in this vision, Mrs. White was "guided to the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and I think one more. After she came out of vision, she could give a clear description of their moons, etc. It is well

  • SOP Day 2008: Hymns


    James Edson White produced. He was the second son of James and Ellen G. White. Closing Hymn: Face to Face (SDAH 206, CH 545) Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950) was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a public evangelist.

  • Ellen G. White and Sources


    Ellen White book to be issued after James White’s death, and that “the management of her business affairs was new to me.” 5 the printing of “Brief Statements Regarding the Writings of Ellen G. White,” prepared by W. C. White

  • Visions or Epileptic Seizures


    James White in Life incidents, in Connection With the Great Advent Movement, as Illustrated by the Three Angels of Revelation XVI (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868), p. 273, says that “when she had her first vision she

  • About The White Estate


    G. White Signs of the Times articles; the Ellen G. White Youth's Instructor articles; the Periodical Resource Collection volumes; the six-volume biography of Ellen G. White, by A. L. White; and The Published Writings of Ellen G. White on Compact

  • Eyewitness Accounts of Ellen White in Vision


    James White, on Monroe Street, Rochester, N.Y., June 26, 1854: "I was then seventeen years old. It seems to me I can almost hear those thrilling shouts of 'G-l-o-r-y!' which she uttered. Then she sank back to the floor, not

  • Basic Rules of Interpretation--External


    James White spoke to this difficulty when two groups, in different places, would read his wife's admonitions: "She works to this disadvantage . . . she makes strong appeals to the people, which a few feel deeply, and take strong

  • Biblical Basis for a Modern Prophet


    James White stated: But let us look at Joel 2:32, and see where he locates the prophecy. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion

  • Advent Experience


    James White and wife also embraced it. They, with Brother Bates, were for a short time alone in publicly teaching it, but from this point the growth of the cause was quite rapid. As these truths were being spread abroad,