Example: ellen white, prophecy
  • Ellen G. White Estate Study Guides - ChS


    "True education is _____________________; it is the training of _____________________ This is the education that will _____________________" (p. 225, par. 5) 3. Complete the following phrases by finishing a line from the upper section with the correct phrase from the

  • Study Guides


    Adventist Home book_id 128 code AH html_en True html_spec_link pdf_en True pdf_spec_link title Child Guidance book_id 8 code CG html_en True html_spec_link pdf_en True pdf_spec_link title Christian Service book_id 13 code ChS html_en True html_spec_link pdf_en True pdf_spec_link title Confrontation

  • Ellen G. White Estate Study Guides - WM


    Adventist Church. When Mrs. White went to Australia several years after her husband's death, she stepped into a situation of financial distress caused by a nation-wide depression. Her response to the desperate needs she witnessed on every hand, especially during

  • Legacy EGW 1 App


    Adventist author. Her ministry spanned 70 years, from 1844 until 1915. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she exalted Jesus and pointed to Scripture as the basis of one's faith. Ellen White wrote on a wide variety of spiritual and practical

  • The right to vote—shall I exercise it?


    Christian Education, pp. 475-484.) But what about personal participation in lawmaking? Can we hold office and not violate our Christian responsibilities? Two statements by Ellen White bear careful study. In Education, page 262, we read: "Many a lad of today,

  • Growing Up Adventist--No Apologies Needed


    Adventist during that so-called legalistic/embarrassing era.Before sharing my reasons, I want to say that I'm the product of my church. I was both born and raised Seventh-day Adventist—in fact, I'm a sixth generation Adventist. I attended Adventist schools from first

  • SOP 2019


    Adventist paper that winter. He called the paper, The Present Truth. Some of the people from another church in the town were disturbed about these Bible messages. So, with a very earnest business man leading out, these people held revival

  • SOP Day 2006: Sermon


    about education, and many other topics that have helped to make our Christian living vibrant, our church strong, and our outreach effective. Most of all, she points us to our soon-coming Savior and Redeemer, urging us not only to “be

  • Ellen White's Literary Sources


    0.14 Education 71 0.88 Evangelism 50 0.30 Faith and Works 73 2.97 Fundamentals of Christian Education 159 0.91 Gospel Workers 99 0.81 Great Controversy, The (credited citations) 3241 15.11 Great Controversy, The (additional uncredited parallels) 1084 5.05 Life Sketches 58

  • EGW Writings book list


    title Education book_id 29 code Ed pub_year 1903 npages 309 comment Biblical principles of Christian education designed for parents and teachers. title Evangelism book_id 30 code Ev pub_year 1946 npages 707 comment A handbook for personal and public evangelism. title