Other recommended religious resources
You should always have a Bible nearby when you read. Guess what, there
are electronic Bibles available to use alongside your new eBooks.
Bibles available for PalmOS
- Laridian: MyBible
- Olivetree: BibleReader
- Skimware: MarkMyScriptures
Comment from a PalmOS user: "I have used MyBible ever since
I got my first Palm years ago and I still love it! It is amazingly fast
(even when I store the Bible files on my expansion card) and it displays
its search results with the surrounding words, like a concordance lookup.
When I compared the available options, nothing let me look up references
or search as quickly as MyBible. Even though it isn't free, I had to choose
Other helpful PalmOS applications
- Laridian: Memorize
- Can import verses directly from MyBible. Review and Test Modes (you
write in the first letter of each word) and yes, there is the option
for hints (I use them).
Bibles available for PocketPC
- Laridian: PocketBible
- Olivetree: BibleReader
- Skimware: MarkMyScriptures
- SlSoftware: CEBible
Comment from a PocketPC user: "For me the determining factor
was the ability to add personal notes. Of the PocketPC apps available,
only PocketBible currently offers this. I like being able to compare some
of the older versions (that are free) so I keep a copy of BibleReader
installed as well."
Note for expansion card users: If your handheld has expansion
and you are looking to start using it, a very good place to start is www.launchplug.com.
It was originally started for users of Launcher
III and the Pitech MemPlug for
HandSpring Visors, but it is very useful and informative for any users
just getting started with expansion cards.
If you have other questions, suggestions, or comments, write me (Matthew
Holm) at [email protected]
*Discounts for initial purchases from Laridian are often available. Check
for advertisements in magazines, such as Christian Computing Magazine.
It could be well worth your time.